December 6, 2014

the truth.

//The pulsating began immediately after the hit.  The feeling crawled across my skin faster than the changing color. The pain ran it's course along the twisted course of nerves, and soon my entire leg was consumed in pain.  I wanted to curl up, cry, and never move again-but that was unrealistic.  I had to keep going, isn't that how life works-you hurt, but you pretend not to notice and you get up unfazed and then you keep going.

//What a strange world we live in.  Unable to show weakness, unable to be completely human.  We are trained when asked the question, "how are you?" to respond with good or fine or a million other one word responses that are used to cover the truth, that are used to disguise our real feelings. We are trained to shut everyone else out of our hearts.  We are trained to hide our weaknesses, to hide the very emotions that make us human. Everyone says the world is "reality"-but there is nothing real about it.  The world is made of people constantly saying "i'm good" when in all truth their world is falling apart. The truth is- we live in a world of pain and broken hearts with blood that stains our battle scars.  We all have battle scars, we all have a past, we all carry pain.  I vote we change, I vote we become real.

//So the truth.  I am great.  I have great friends, a great job, a great life.  I am living my dreams and at least for now… I'm great.  I have a messy past.  I've made mistakes and I caused myself a lot of unnecessary pain.  I have millions of battle scars.  I've bled and I'm better now-All that is left is the scars.  I'm sure things will change. I'm sure hardships will come again, but for now I'm great.

//What's your true story?

oh ps.  Thanksgiving was wonderful.  The break was filled with food and adventures (rock climbing, hang time, black friday..all the usual stuff).  It was perfect.

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