November 28, 2014

Preference: senior year edition.

Everything this year is a last for me- last first day of high school; last football game; last… last… last…

Well this weekend was my last Preference.  It was a pretty typical dance-- ice skating in Salt Lake, fancy dinner, pretty dress, insane dancing-- But among all of the clique dance memories we filled the extra space up with crazy moments.

For starters we sat by a felon for the entirety of the train ride who spent the whole ride telling us his life story-- long story short he was a homeless felon (a felon because he tried to shoot his friend) who was going to school to be an english teacher-- he ended the ride by saying goodbye and stroking my leg with his foot.  I still haven't fully recovered from the traumatic experience.

The next crazy moment came during ice-skating.  A strange fellow in our group decided it would be fun to throw snow at children innocently skating around.   I have no words to describe my feelings about this….

After ice-skating the same strange kid began chasing random civilians around the streets--- again no words…

Soon after we spotted a man dressed in a pink gorilla suit… just dancing… naturally we joined him.  I am not sure what we were thinking.. but hey I bet we looked pretty stupid.

The night ended with us finding a bagpipe player on the streets.  I cannot even describe how much I love the sound of bagpipes.. so it kind of made the entire night perfect.

That summed up the day date… the next night was the dance.. and as always we all partied hard.

Ryan was the perfect date for my last preference. not to mention I got to have my sister in my group for her first dance.  and i've gotta say.. all of these moments made it a night I will always remember.

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