October 5, 2014

the circus of terror.

the line went on forever-- finally it was their turn to sneak around corners and jump down dark hallways.    With his arm tightly wrapped around her and their jumpy friend in the lead.  They set off through the Haunted Circus-- She wasn't really afraid of the people with silly masks but she took every opportunity to bury her face in his jacket.   She couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were bouncing around in his head as he pulled her closer with every jump.  She wondered if his heart was racing, not from the people jumping out, but from being with her.  She wondered if he was thinking about her like she was thinking about him.  Her head was spinning with thoughts of what the entire night would entail.  I mean, how could her thoughts not be spinning when the first part was going so well?

When they left the terrifying circus her head was still spinning.  She hoped that this night would never end.  But I guess it did end the best way possible.  They talked, held hands, cuddled--she was on cloud nine.  She looked up at him and could see the laughter and memories that filled his eyes and she hoped that his head was spinning with thoughts of her… then in one motion he kissed her.  It was soft and his lips were silky.  She felt millions of butterflies rampaging through her stomach and she couldn't even think.  With that (and a few more kisses) the night ended.  And yeah, I think she's still on cloud nine right now.. just waiting for it to happen again.

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