October 17, 2014


It was time-- she flipped the switch and pulled out the tube, the tube that was keeping her alive.  She watched as the woman's breathing became shallow, and then she watched as suddenly it stopped. The woman's breathing stopped and her heart tried to sporadically push the blood through her body.  As the little muscle inside of her chest ran from rhythm to rhythm thirsting for blood, dying for air.  And then it stopped, her blood became still and her heart beat for the last time.  She was gone.  All that could be heard was the steady beep that came from a monitor in the room.  She was gone.  Her body had given up and she was gone.

The girl who flipped the switch wondered if this could constitute as murder.   I mean, if she hadn't flipped the switch the woman would still be breathing, if she hadn't flipped the switch the woman's heart would still steadily beat.  No, the woman would never have gotten better and this was the family's decision, but she still wondered.  After a while she finally realized that holding on only would've postponed the inevitable.  The family thought of the woman and let her move on to the next life.  The woman would not be stuck in a deteriorating body.  The woman was free.  She realized how truly selfless this was of the family, I mean they sat everything aside and allowed her to be free.

Freedom is something that most of the world only dreams of.  Something that people always fight for but seldom reach.  This family gave her freedom.  They gave her everything.

So I guess it wasn't murder, I guess the girl just helped set her free.

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