September 11, 2014


She pressed her face against the foggy window as the rain drops kissed the glass.  She stared in awe at the colorful trees-red, orange, gold, and green filled their leaves. Fall was coming.  And just like the changing season, her life was morphing into something different.  New adventures were ahead and she was running towards them.  She was excited for her future-- it held so many possibilities.  So the girl moved forward, she started a new chapter of her story; she allowed all of her new adventures to consume her.  The fall season brought change and those changes brought new exciting paths for her to follow.

Someone once told me that change is the only constant thing in our lives.  Our lives are filled with choices and each time we make a choice something in our lives changes.  So many people fear change, they fear the unknown, but change is inevitable.  Change comes whether we welcome it or try to hide from it-- so welcome it.  Jump forward into the new adventures.  Leap into the unknown.  Allow yourself to become the person you were destined to be.  And I promise, you will not regret it.

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