May 20, 2014

"and i never saw you coming and i'll never be the same"

I never saw him coming.  I never thought that dancing with one person could change the course of my life.  I never thought anyone would find their way around the barriers I put up. My heart and mind had fought a war for months with no chance of ever actually winning. The hope I once had was shattered and my heart laid across a bloody battle field bruised, cut, and in pieces. So, I surrounded my heart with barriers and glued all of the broken pieces back together.  With that I let my heart heal and I vowed never to let anyone in ever again.

Then I went to the dance.  I danced with him, but just once.  That one dance seemed small and insignificant, I mean, the night was filled with first dances and new friends.  When the dance ended, my phone buzzed and the small talk began.  Then that ended I didn't hear from him so I let any thoughts of him go (later I found out his phone had been  Soon it was time for the next dance.  I decided to ask him.  Then we began seeing each other more and more often.  But I kept my heart sealed.  Then came the first time he held my hand to the first kiss.

Slowly he climbed over the barriers.  He found his way into my heart.  I broke my promise to myself but then I realized how that was inevitable, the chance that I would ever keep that promise was unrealistic.   I fell in love with him... I came to the realization that I had never actually been in love.  I had been infatuated but never truly in love.

He wasn't selfish, this was new to me, he actually cared.  We give up anything for each other and we love without holding back. Love isn't selfish or jealous.  Love is giving up anything to be with that one person.  Love is memories and laughter.   True love is freedom. 

They say love is blind.  I disagree.  Infatuation is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting.  Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them.  Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms, and working around them.  Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities, and knowing your role is to comfort.  Love is working through all the challenges and painful times.  Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect.   Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real. 

So I never saw him coming-- but becaue of him I'll never be the same. 

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