June 12, 2014


Well I kinda fell off the face of the earth.   It started off with a runny nose and then it slowly transformed into pneumonia…. and it basically knocked out my energy for almost 3 weeks.  So I guess its time for an update because a lot has happened.

#1 CAVESTOCK {similar to woodstock without the drugs//an AFHS tradition//the final event before school gets out for summer}
I got sick the day before Cavestock…but regardless of how I felt I was determined to go.  I couldn't stand the idea of missing one of the biggest events of the year. So I went, with Dave, and feeling sick.  Well, I kinda went… I had a high fever and basically felt like I had been hit by a train so part way through the night Dave insisted that we leave Cavestock for the sake of me not falling over dead.   I had fun, I mean, I was with Dave and the night was fun while it lasted.  Plus when I had to leave Dave came and insisted on taking care of me.  It was kind of nice to have someone refusing to leave me alone.  

#2 YEARBOOK DAY {basically finding anyone you have ever talked to and insisting they sign a book, filled with pictures of the entire year}
Well, still sick, I endured yearbook day.  I went, got my yearbook, and managed to stay around long enough to have everyone I wanted sign it.  After it was signed Dave and I left and went on adventures (as in we went to his house and he let me lay my head on his chest and sleep until we went to Pizza Pie Café for lunch (we're kinda regulars there…like we go there twice a week normally).  The rest of the day consisted of Dave taking care of me because me stubborn fever wouldn't leave.  

#3 GRADUATION {the very end of high school//the start of being in the real world//a celebration}
Well Dave Graduated… his Grandparents came down from Nova Scotia and his aunt and uncle came from Denver.  It was an exciting day filled with memories and exciting beginnings. 

#4 SUMMER {a time with no school//late nights//warm weather//countless hours of time with my love}
So far summer has brought 2 farewells and 2 goodbyes. The first was Trustin's, him and Dave have been best friends since they were little.  First came the farewell, next came the goodbyes and now he is off to Mexico to share the gospel.  The second was Kody's who is also one of Dave's best friends.   He is off to Pittsburg to serve the Lord for 2 years.

Another adventure of summer was the chance to go to the famous Kyle Van Noy's wedding.  It was a TV wedding, in other words it was gorgeous, but it wasn't a wedding that normal people could ever have, it had endless amounts of food, a beautiful setting (the McCune Mansion), and lots of other famous people.   I got to go because of Dave… the wedding was beautiful but I couldn't help but think about how I don't care what my wedding is like, I don't care who is there, the only thing that really matters to me is that a wedding means I get to spend the rest of eternity with my best friend.  So yeah, It was fun and the night was definitely filled with memories (like sitting with Jimmer; meeting Davies, Hoffman, and Ziggy; and getting to spend the night with Dave).  It is something that I will never forget.   

The rest of the summer has been filled with dates (like going to see The Fault in Our Stars with Dave, 7 peaks, and random adventures), hours of work but more time with Dave, and late nights just to cuddle up with him.   

So even though I had Pneumonia…. The summer has been pretty great so far.

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