April 14, 2014

to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

This last week brought new adventures.  With no cell phones and 20-40lb packs we left good old American Fork for 5 days to hike 40 miles down to and around Havasupai Falls.  Dave, me, my family (minus my mother and sister), Mike, Jeremy, Josh, Jess, Jared, and 2 from my ward made up the people we spent 24 hours a day with.    We adventured to waterfalls, mines, and other places that we happened to find.

Well a picture is worth a thousand words so these sum up some of the highlights of our trip.  Havasupai was amazing.  It was beautiful, warm, and the people who were there made the trip fun the entire time.  So afterwards we came home tired, tan, and filled with memories.  Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words but the experience is irreplaceable.  This was a once in a lifetime experience and I got to share it with the love of my life.  

Sometimes in life there are moments like these.  Moments that you only get the chance to have once and if you don't take them that one time you'll always have to wonder what adventures you could've had or how that one event could've changed the course of your life.  So in moments like these you just have to jump into it. You have to take every opportunity you are given otherwise you'll end up regretting all the chances you decided not to take.  But all you have to do to avoid this is to just jump into it and see where these opportunities take you.

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