March 30, 2014

Random facts

1. My grandpa got baptized in idaho last weekend and dave came with me to watch.
2. Right now I am in Anaheim and it is 70º.
3. Dave is with me yet again.
4.we are going to Disneyland tomorrow.
5. I love him.
6. I forgot my black flip flops so I am rocking unmatching shoes for today.
7. Dave and I brought 48 cans of mountain dew.
8. This is our second weekend together and next week we leave to havasupai falls.
9. I try not to act like a girl too often.
10. I love rollercoasters.
11. Friday we were on a bus for 11 hours.
12. We went to the beach and dave asked me to prom by writing in the sand.
Well that's a nice some of recent events.  So many memories have been made in these past couple of weeks.  I mean my grandpa found the gospel and took the steps necessary to be able to live with his family forever.

My dads side of the family met Dave and love him.  Hes been with me everyday since before Christmas. And I am in love with him.

These weekends have been filled with countless adventures and I can't wait to have countless more.

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