September 8, 2013

wisdom teeth... shakes... and a football game...

So Kolter.. well..... he got his wisdom teeth out Friday.  Apparently mouth surgery makes your face feel like it was ran over by a bus (according to him).  So I was trying to do what any good homecoming date would do.. and I decided to bring him a shake. Of course he reacted like any guy would and basically told me no.. But it wasn't the i don't want it no.. it was the oh you don't need to type.  So I brought one anyway.
Well my plan was to drop off the shake, ask how his face was, and then head home.  We started talking and 5 minutes turned into 20.  20 minutes turned into 45.  and so on.. So after we had talked for like an hour and a half, the first BYU game of the season was getting ready to start.  And I actually got invited to stay for the game.  It was a good game.. and it was pretty to watch Kolter.. on drugs..watching football.. and basically freaking out.  But of course there always has to be issues, after the first quarter they announced that there was a weather delay because of lightning.  The delay was going to be at least an hour.  So while we waited, Kolter decided that we were going to play football..  On a side note: I had never played football in my entire freakin life... Like I didn't even know how to hold the ball.  Anyways.. he taught me how to throw (like I basically think i'm gonna be drafted into the NFL soon).  We went back inside to watch the game and well.. it was still on lightning delay...
2 1/2 hours and two more guys added to our party later...the game finally came back on. We were losing at first and then durning the last couple of minutes we pulled ahead.. All of the guys were freaking out.. and then it turned, our team lost in the last minutes of the game.. the guys were so mad.. so they ran outside and decided that we were all gonna play football (makes complete sense?) well it was so much fun! we played as long as we could (so until it was too dark to see the ball).
Kolter's face was starting to hurt pretty bad so we went inside and got his meds.. and then decided to go  and see a movie.  We went to R.I.P.D and oh it was prime.  But the best part was Kolter.. his drugs kicked in fully when we were in line to get our tickets... Lets just say he has no memory of what he was doing.  He may or may not have asked all of us multiple times if the hairs on the sides of his head were dancing(I hope it was the drugs..)  It was just great!
The whole night was just awesome.  It was a night to remember; I hadn't had that much fun in a very long time.  And the meds made it even better.

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