September 9, 2013

Late night run...and a couple of dates later..


You know those people that don't have a mean bone in their body..? The people that know what you need, when you need it.  Well, that would be the description of this kid to-a-T.  Like I can tease him about something I want (Like that I really do want.. but I don't want to ask for it--- like a hint!) and he figures out how to make it work.  Well let me tell you a few stories about that..

So Wednesday night after work I had a ton of homework.. Like enough to kill me.  And Zach texted me.. we were having our usual conversation, when he asked me what I was doing and I replied homework.. I threw in a little thing about how nice some ice-cream would be.. The next text came and it said.. "would your parents care if I came and got you to go get some?" And then he came. He took me to good old JCW's (it's kinda a small town restaurant) and he got me an ice cream cone.  Then he just talked to me about anything and everything.  In the long run if may have just been a small insignificant night... But for now it's a night filled with memories.

Well he did it again Thursday night.. Wednesday night part of our conversation included me telling him that I missed horseback riding because I hadn't ridden for an entire month.  Well he called up his aunt and around 6:30 that night we set off on our adventure.  (Turns out his aunt has like 10 horses...who knew!?).   Well we rode for hours. I was on this crazy horse by the name of Pilot and he was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.  Every run..every buck..just made my ride that much better (*Short Background: I have ridden and trained horses for almost 6 years.  so I love a challenge*) 
Honestly it was so sweet of Zach to just plan it and take me.  And yet again.. he just knew what I needed.

Last story.. Saturday night Zach did it yet again.  He wanted to take me on a double date with his friend Nate.  The plan was to go and see a movie...But that didn't exactly work...
We all got to the theater and when we went to buy our tickets the movie was sold out (lame..just lame) And then Zach threw out the idea of having a cook off.  So we ran to the store..picked up ingredients..and then we were off.  We went back to Zach's house..and the games began!.  We blasted country music and sang and danced.  I swear all four of us could not stop laughing..we were all having so much fun.  That night gave us each something to remember.. a memory to hold onto and that is something I will never forget.

Well those are just a few of the countless stories of the great things Zach has done.. he is such a great friend.  These stories are a little bit different from the rest though because most of them will stay with me for a while.. but these are the ones I will remember forever.

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