September 25, 2013

Homecoming Highlights (2013).

Homecoming//: {hohm/kuhm/ing}//:  1.The opening, formal dance of the school year.  2.The kickoff football game.  3.The first chance for girls to go shopping, and find their dream dress. 4.A fun day date; dinner; and then of course, the long awaited dance.

#1. The football game.

Friday night lights; new friends; old friends; JCW's; Caveman Football.  These words sum up the night.     It was the long awaited homecoming game.  With kick off at 7 and the tail gate at 5, I headed over straight from work.  I met up with the student council and we all hung out at the tail gate.  Then the adventure of our homecoming game began.  Front row on the fence.. mocshing..screaming.  That could sum up the first part of the game.  We were playing Riverton.  Basically we were supposed to lose.. They are #3 in the state (or at least were) and we aren't even ranked.  But the Cavemen had faith and cheered loud.  We were losing 18-13.. but the twist to the story.. final score: 28-25.. The Cavemen won!  That pretty much sums up the game.
Afterwords EVERYONE headed to JCW's (just the normal Cavemen tradition).  It was PACKED.  And everyone was going crazy.  I mean we had beat Riverton.  And that's when I met Tyler... He is on the drumline.. and not gonna lie he's pretty funny.  We hit it off..  well, ya know as much as you can hit it off with a 5 minute conversation.  Later I talked to Nate (He's in my leadership class and we've been talking a lot lately) he is so great.  He is one of the kindest guys you could ever meet. Well everyone hung around until around 11:30, and then we all headed home to get some rest before the rest of our weekend adventures.

#2. The day date.

The adventure started early.  They guys came and got the girls around 11:00, and we set off for provo.  We went canoeing. We went down the provo river to where it merges with Utah lake.  Each couple was in a canoe and that resulted in racing.  Obviously me and my date were winning... well.. at least we were until Kolter decided to jump out of the canoe...
Him, Justin, and Cardon all jumped out.. and after declaring how cold it was, they told all of us girls to jump in.  ummmmm.... not a smart move, but we all agreed to do it later that day.  Well the guys climbed back in and we started back down the river.. now with 2 couples ahead we all raced to catch up.  On the way we found a swing up on shore, of course we made a fantastic decision, we stopped.. And then we took turns on the swing.  It turned into an unplanned adventure.
Well we continued our trip down the river and eventually we turned around.  On the way back up the girls kept their word, and the 3 of us slipped into the water.. In a matter of seconds my bones were ice.  I was slowly freezing and my canoe had drifted away.. So I did the only thing I could.. and I jumped into Macie and Cardon's canoe. Cardon started to shake it... which resulted in all of us tipping the canoe.  I was in the water again.. I swear I felt my heart stop..My date came and grabbed me and Macie and then he jumped out to help Cardon.  Well the other 3 couples had kept going so we started to just have fun.. Kolter made me jump out.. Him and Cardon swam around... Me and Macie paddled away.. It was an adventure.... so many memories were made with just us 4 and it'll be moments we never forget.
Our canoeing trip was coming to the end.  We could see everyone else back at shore and we were coming in.. Kolter was trying to be nice and just pull us in.. but he tipped our canoe.. I really don't think I have ever laughed that hard.. it was so funny!! Once we had finally stopped laughing we made our way in.. Our canoeing trip was over.. But it left behind a pile of memories.

#3. Dinner & the dance.

Well the guys gave us about 2 hours to get ready, and then we were off again.  Our final few adventures to close the day.  We started with pictures.. all of us laughing and smiling the whole time.  Then we were off to dinner... We had dinner in Kolter's backyard (rich peoples backyard=G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S) It was amazing.. we had a bacon wrapped steak dinner. And brownies for dessert.. Well we ate dinner right up until it was time to leave for the dance.
The dance was at the PG castle (basically its a roofless castle with lights.. it is beautiful) And we danced.  I was dancing with one of my best friends.. and it was one of the best nights of my life.

The whole day was filled with memories, laughter, and life changing moments.  I will never forget Homecoming of 2013.

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