September 30, 2013

The Lumineers.

So ya know that moment when you've been anticipating something for so long and then suddenly it's all over.  That final climax that you've been waiting for, for months.  That was what the Lumineers concert was for me.
So last Tuesday, at 3:00, Justin and I left for the long awaited concert.  We stopped once...ate some fries and ice-cream... and then we continued our one-and a half hour journey up to Saltair.  We arrived there around 4:30 and we went and sat in line.  We were at the front of the line and as soon as the doors opened we were going to race to the fence.  Before the doors opened our friends Connor, Willow, and Wesley found us.. we let them jump in line.. and we all decided to stay together for the concert.  After talking for what felt like hours... the doors finally opened at 6:30.
We got our tickets scanned and finally we were in. Step 1.  Get T-shirts. -------check------- Step 2. Claim territory.  We ran to the front and there were only 3 people between us and the stage. --------check---- Then there was more waiting...
Finally at 7:30 the first opening act came on.  The first act, Nathaniel Rateliff, was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.  His voice was soft, but still strong.  And it could've put me to sleep.  Then it was time for Dr. Dog.  He came out, talked for a minute, and then finally started singing.  He was doing so good.  his set was fantastic and his voice was amazing.  Not to mention the weather.. It was a beautiful sunset and there was a breeze.  It was perfect.--- Until halfway through Dr. Dog's set----
All of the sudden the wind started blowing and the clouds rolled in. The music stopped and the Ushers announced that the wind was going to push the stage over.  So they cleared the field.  But they said they were going to move the concert to the balcony because the show must go on.
After the half hour delay.. the Lumineers came on (yes...they skipped the rest of Dr. Dog).. They were phenomenal.  I have never heard a band sound as good as they did live.. We all knew that this was going to be a concert to remember... and the 5 of us couldn't of been more excited.
But..plans change..
5 songs in.. lightning hit the salt flats (saltair is basically on the salt flats)
The ushers came back out and told everyone to go.. the concert was over
We were so disappointed.  It had already been the best concert ever..... and it had barely begun.
So we left.
and that is the end of it.

Even though not everything went like we all expected.. memories were made..
Not 1 of us is ever going to forget that night.
It was unforgettable.. even though it didn't go as smoothly as we thought.  it was still one of the best nights.  We will never ever forget the night.  the one night. when our concert was cancelled.  because friends were made--- and moments became memories.

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