August 4, 2013

recent adventures..

#1.. Night at the Lake.

After a long day at work.. I set off to my adventure on the lake.  
For mutual our leaders treated us older folks to boating.  We set off around 4pm.  Strangely enough all the girls present ended up in the same car..  without the presence of even one male.  As we began our travels we took a couple wrong turns, soon the ideal 5 minute car ride turned into 20.  But the funny thing was not one of us realized how long it had been.  Our excursion was filled with laughter and stories,  none of us even cared.  
Once we had arrived explained the predicament we had been caught in.. we set off in the two boats.  with a blink of an eye the fun had begun.. we raced towards the middle of the lake.  Then we started tubing.. I can't describe the feeling of the water hitting your face and your hair flying in the wind.. but I love it.  We were there for hours and the entirety of the trip was filled with laughter and the sound of new friendships forming.  
I will never forget this night.  It was definitely a night to remember.  For each of us that came... The friendships formed, the laughs shared, and the stories written will remain with us, in some ways they will carry us through hard times.  It was unforgettable.

#2.. A night in the Canyon.

Well ya know that random moment when your friend suddenly remembers that they have property in the canyon.  Well that's where this adventure began.
My friends had all been saying we should do a night up the canyon.  So I planned it.  
When the night had finally arrived, I gathered my basic canyon supplies (wood, roasting sticks, smores stuff.. all the necessities) I showed up at the meeting place with one of my dear friends who I had invited last second.  
We were all ready to go.. and then I found out that a few of them had a different idea of where to go.. I went with it.. and we started on our way to Provo canyon.   We soon arrived at our destination where we were told that this was a property that was owned by our friend.  He had just forgotten about it.  
All of us, excited to continue our adventure, started toward the rope swing in the property.  After swinging a bit.. and watching some of the guys try and show off.  We started our "Bonfire" (It looked more like two sticks trying to stay lit..but hey it still sorta counts).  
Towards the end of our adventure we decided to put everything we had into our sad excuse for a fire.  It got big.. So what do you do when you have a huge fire.  I think most normal people sit and watch the flames as they die down.  But I don't think any of me and my friends qualify as normal.. instead we all took turns jumping through/over the flames.  We decided to end our adventure on this note and we all headed for home.  
This unplanned adventure definitely holds a place in my heart.  It was a night of sporadic thoughts and actions with friends that will be with me for a lifetime.  

#3..  Déjà vu

Who knew that catching up with old friends could be so fun!?
My summer so far has been filled with adventures and fights..  happiness and sadness.. New friendships and adventures with old friends.. But I didn't realize how much I have missed some of the friends I haven't seen.
Even though I really didn't want to go.. my mom convinced me.  I headed out to the party with the intention of leaving after an hour and just saying that it was boring.  I arrived reasonably late to the party, at that point there was no one present that I was dying to associate with.  Then the boys came.. 3 of my dear male friends from school, who I hadn't seen since May!  We all started talking... We talked about sports, camps.. basically what we had done since the beginning of summer.  
I absolutely did not plan on that night being so much fun.  But seeing my lost boys was so great.  That is definitely what made this night such an adventure.  

#in closing.

I think adventures like these are what shape us into the person we want to be.  These adventures build up friendships that will carry us through the good and the bad; the friendships that will last us a lifetime.  

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