July 21, 2013

summer concerts.

Well the festivities of my small town came to a close last night.  But of course, they ended with a Big Bang!  Of course the entirety of the week was filled with epic band battles, late night dances, the very exciting carnival, parades, and of course all of our own random small town traditions.  However, the week came to a close with the one thing everyone in town looks forward to attending.  The only thing worthy to end our towns week.  Our summertime country concert.

This large event takes place at the high-school and it ends with a grand old firework show.  I had the pleasure this year to attend the concert with my dear old friend Jessie.

So we set off for our small town adventure, our evening was filled with daring deeds and dangerous events (if you count great country music by the Little River Band and the Fireflies to be dangerous and daring).  To begin our evening we quickly claimed our spot with chairs, and then went to examine the overpriced variety of food.

During our excursion we came across a lemonade stand, we ventured over and came to find that they claimed to have unforgettable lemonade.  So naturally, we purchased one to share. Once we handed over our money we waited for the lemonade to be poured, when it was handed to us we also received one of the sticky lizards (ya know the ones that you got for 25 cents when we were all kids). Confused, I asked what it was for.  Well the answer was genius,  the man told us it to put  the ring; that normally would go on your finger, and to slip it around the straw and then let the lizard hit the cup.  In the end we found that it was to keep your straw from falling in; this man is genius.  Then we ventured back to our territory to enjoy our amazing lemonade.

As we sat there we admired the sunset.  For the record it was gorgeous.

During the later part of our adventure we ran into some dear friends we hadn't seen in a while.  Soon our adventure of 2, turned into an adventure of 5.  We all enjoyed the rest of the concert, and then quickly moved to find the perfect firework watching spot.  Once we were settled, they began.  The show began with huge vibrant fireworks and soul shaking bangs.  The entire sky was lit and it showed no signs of slowing down.  The entire show lasted for a full 30 minutes, and there was never a pause.  Our party of 5 sat there and in awe as we all wondered how they were going to make the finale any better than the beginning.  Vibrant colors continued to explode across the sky with country music in the background.  When all the sudden, the sky was almost unseen, the finale had begun.  The sky exploded into overlapping, never ending fireworks.  And within minutes it ended.  The fireworks could've continued forever and no one would of complained.

Once they were over, we all set off for home.  We set off with the memories of our adventure, the memories that will never end.

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