July 10, 2013

This is Me.

I know who I am.  When nothing seems to be going right this one thought helps me to continue to endure, this thought carries me through trials and hardships. This small fragment reminds me that I can make it through anything.  These 5 words have helped me define the values that make me who I am.  They have helped me achieve happiness.

I have not always known who I am.  I used to hide in the shadows of society, unable to move forward. As I have grown throughout the years I have been shaped by the criticism of the world.  I have been chiseled by my failures, defined by my successes, and changed by choices.  I have grown through my dreams and I have slowly been etched into the person I am today.

I watch the world from a distance.   I notice people hiding in the shadows of society,  struggling to find the confidence to show the world who they really are.  I contemplate the evils of society as I watch it tear apart the few brave souls who come forward and show who they are.  I see the pain etched into strangers faces as they lose hope.  The hope that society will one day except them.  But amidst this dark blanket of hardships, I see a flicker of light whose rays penetrate through the saturated darkness; a beam composed of a new hope.

I know pain and heartbreak, as much as I know that there is joy in life.  I know happiness and safety. I find joy in the simple things in life:  a summer storm, the smell of rain, a long horseback ride, a sunrise or sunset, the sun hitting my face. I do not fear living,  the thought of new adventures everyday astounds me.  I believe that everyday brings new chances and choices.    I believe that life is supposed to be challenging, and the thought of a challenge excites me.

I think unlike anyone.  My thoughts often wander to the vast corners of my imagination.  I find myself over-thinking the simplest things, and yet my mind has the capability to easily grasp the most difficult concepts.  I have the ability to draw out the smallest memories, and the capacity to retain all I have learned.  In many ways I think sporadically, but I am thankful for this difference.  I think I am the way I am because I chose to be this way. I was never forced into it, or even given the option.  I am me.  I have chosen my path, and it defines me.  I know who I am, and I would never change that.

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