August 24, 2014


Well.  Here I am, one week into my last first week of high school.  And it's exactly what I expected it to be.  "i miss you"s yelled down the halls from the mouths of people who you didn't realize you were friends with, oozing with artificial excitement; small sophomores, with wide eyes, rushing from class to class from the fear of being tardy; endless disclosure documents that serve as a rude reminder that I am not yet an adult; crowded hallways; and too many people trying to hard to look good.

If you know me, you are aware that I have a passionate dislike for the general idea of public education. It's not that I don't like learning, and it's not that i'm not good at learning; it's just I just don't like the environment in which learning takes place in.   I'm not one of those people who, in a few years from now, will look back upon the years I've spent in high school longingly and pronounce my missing of "the good old days."  Lately, people have gone out of their way to tell me things like, "live this year up, it'll be over before you know it", and "you're gonna miss it when it's gone."  But I genuinely believe that once i've moved on, the only things i'll miss are the luxuries of being a child at home.

I'm excited for my future, I'm excited for the many paths my life will carry me through, and I'm excited to see where they take me.  I know that a grand adventure lies ahead and I am just itching to begin exploring it. In my head, I'm older than I actually am.   So right now I can't help but feel like I'm stuck in a daycare for oversized toddlers as I drag myself to school everyday.  I guess I just don't care about the same things as the people around me do. I look at life in a different perspective, so it's hard to even understand my own peers.

The other day in one of my classes we spent the entire period introducing ourselves and sharing our six-word memoir (an assignment that we were supposed to bring ready to class).  The entire hour and a half period was spent with fellow class mates sharing things like, "eat, drink, sleep, eat, sleep again" or "I don't like school…it's boring." over and over again.  The point of the assignment was to use the six words to tell something about yourself.  I couldn't' help but sit in a puddle of utter disappointment.  What has the world come to?  We have to come to only care about the material things that can be taken away so easily, we completely disregard the things that have infinite value.

Then it was my turn to stand up.  With all the confidence in the world, I stood and said, "small dreams lead to big adventures." I fully came to class that morning expecting my memoir to be the same as everyone else's.  But I was so very wrong.

In that one moment I realized how differently I saw life compared to everyone else.  And right then I promised to make every moment of these next nine months, my senior year, worthwhile.  I vowed to myself that I would look back and have no regrets. I swore that I would never look at the world as that class did, I wouldn't find value in the material things, but in the things with infinite value.  I promised that I would make my final year in high school count.  I am going to enjoy the last pages of this chapter in life.  But I'm still looking forward to the end.

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