July 25, 2014

pre-pioneer day.

My Pioneer Day festivities took place on the 23rd.  The date included a parade (which the entire city of Bountiful attended) and it ended with fireworks.  It was a beautiful day and I was with the best sort of people (AKA: Dave).  It was a perfect summer day--fireworks, my love, even crappy parade candy.  It made for a perfect memory.  

Isn't that what summer is--memories of fun times that you will one day share with the people you love.  Isn't summer a time to build friendships and go on crazy adventures.  Well, so far that is what my summer has composed itself of and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have come to realize that this is probably the last time I will ever have a summer like this--carefree and fun.  I am growing up--next year I'll be graduated and if all goes as planned I'll spend my summer travelling until I begin college.

My life is flying by.. Within the last year everything has changed, and it continues to change everyday.  Some days are hard and it seems like everything in my life is falling apart and then other days it seems like nothing could ever go wrong.  It's a roller-coaster really--ups and downs, twists and turns--nothing is ever steady about it. But I think that's what makes our lives exciting--I mean, without constant changes, that make life unexpected, each of our lives would be incessantly boring.  Our lives are going to change regardless of if we want them to remain the same--all we can do is learn to welcome the unexpected and embrace the changes. Yes, my life is flying by--at times faster than I would like, but I can't stop it... I have to move with it and hope that I can keep up.

I don't regret the choices I've made in my life.

I love my life.
and I wouldn't change a thing.

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