January 17, 2014


Well I can check that off of my bucket list.. I went on a snowboarding date.   I went with some of the best people you could ever meet (Dave and his family).  We left early and went up to Brighton... and then the adventure officially began.
So basically Dave is the sweetest kid ever. So he is a pro snowboarder... like pretty much A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and I suck (pretty common occurrence).  And he stayed with me all day to help me, even when I told him to go fast and I would meet him somewhere he stayed right with me. yeah, he wins.  And he's mine.  Anyways, my day was filled with falling, followed by laughing, and then falling again.. and I'm pretty sure Dave's was just filled with some pretty funny sights..  Well afterwards we went back to his house and decided not to do anything.  It ended the crazy day perfectly.

As a side note.. the next night he took me on a date to Frozen.  Yeah, he's a keeper.

Days like this one, are the days that fill my memory.. They leave little prints that will stay with me forever.  And the ones with him are even better.  Everyday I spend with him a little bit more of myself that I have concealed finds its way to the surface once again.  I can be myself around him, there is nothing I have to hide from his eyes.  Around him I am totally and completely free.  For the first time in a long time I am myself again.  And I have missed that.

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