October 28, 2013




                 --ya know? The one that may or may not have kissed me.
                    p.s you may want to remember the name... it's gonna be on here quite often.

                    So Dave took me to this party he was DJ-ing at (yeah he's kinda legit.) It was awesome. 
                    Anyways..It was like a big Halloween dance party-  And guess who kinda learned how to 
                    DJ... yeah.. me.  

//SADIE'S 2013//
            So if ya haven't figured it out.. I went with Dave.  The dance was a Disney costume dance.  
            And yes, we went as the army guys from Toy Story-- and in case you can't tell-- we looked   
            Bad A.  
            Well to be honest, I think Sadie's is probably #1 on my list of unforgettable nights.  We 
            had Thai Food. We danced, and then we just all hung out. 
            Sadie's was definitely unforgettable.  I got to spend the whole night with the one and only,
            Dave.  We all made new friends.  And the night may have had a few kisses in there..
            There isn't anything I would change about Sadie's.  It was perfect.  And it was a night that 
            none of us will forget.


                    I think that memories like these aren't formed by the adventure.  I mean obviously that plays a role, but I think that nights like these are so unforgettable because of the people that shared that adventure with you.  
                                          "We didn't realize we were making 
                             we just knew we were having fun."
                This is what life is about.  It's about forming memories.. But most memories are made by the people.  Life is about taking chances.  Chances like falling back in Love after you've been hurt, or climbing mountains, or even just sitting, cuddled up, watching a movie. But each of these require one more person, they require someone that is willing to make you laugh, someone who is willing to take a chance with you.  And when you find that person you should never let them go. You should hold them close and take them on all of your adventures, because those will be unforgettable memories.

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