October 12, 2013

and so we danced in the rain...

"Life's not about waiting for the storm to end, 
it's about learning to dance in the rain..."

Life is filled with small and simple moments. These moments are made up of split second decisions, sporadic thoughts, and unanticipated occurrences.  You go through life filling every inch of your memory with these moments. And these moments morph you into who you are supposed to become. 
They are the essence of your being--they make you different from everyone else.
Friday night I left to the football game, and that's when it all began.
Football+Fall+Tyler+Nate+Thomas+Alyssa+everyone else+ rain= a night to remember. 
 It started off with a game. and then came the downpour.  We may have lost the game. But all of us will remember that night -that one night when we danced in the rain. 
I think that's what high school is supposed to be about. Its not about being popular or going on dates every week.  High school is about living life in the moments... its about making memories and finding friends (old or new). Its about making dumb mistakes and growing from the experience.
Life is filled with storms, and they can either tear us down...or make us better than we ever thought we could be. But just sitting in the storm isn't enough sometimes. Sometimes facing it head on is the only way to make it through--Sometimes you have to dance in the rain.
And that's what we did... we didn't sit through the storm wishing that it would end... we didn't hide from it.
We faced it head on--
And so we danced in the rain.

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