April 14, 2015

I am.

Did I spent six days a week surrounded by horses and children with disabilities, getting dirty and dust covered, baking in the hot sun and freezing in the cold winters, coming home covered in smells you only find at a barn, using equine therapy and teaching children how to ride, and falling in love with horse back riding and the beasts themselves?

I did.

Did I fall into a big group of friends that spent weekends together watching movies, going to dances, playing games; did I discover my love for the medical field through first responding at school; going on calls to wrap ankles, calling the ambulance, and finding any possible way to practice medicine?

I did.

Did I start going to every football game, wearing school colors, expanding my circle of friends while discovering my love for education and all of the wonderful things it offers; did I start my first minimum wage job, cleaning at the rival high school; get my driver’s license, go on my first date and decide how I wanted my future to go?

I did.

Did I experience my first real heartbreak, realizing that some monsters are so big there is no way around them; fill my school schedule with required classes that almost killed me off, stay up till midnight to keep up with homework so I could have a social life, start a new job caring for an aging gentlemen, learn that a new drug was just on the horizon, and decide that boys aren’t worth all of the trouble they cause?

I did.

Did I decide to make every moment count and begin adventuring every day; did I learn to balance the life of a high school kid, a college student, and a put-together adult with a successful career; while going to every high school event I could squeeze into my life; did I decide it was okay to be alone, and that sometimes the silence is nice; did I learn that life isn’t perfect but it is a exhilarating adventure?

I did.

Am I getting ready for graduation, working towards my many dreams, and having all of the adventures that come with it; am I trying to avoid failure and heartbreak, while I strive to reach my fullest potential and continue learning that adventuring will set me free?

I am.

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