January 30, 2014

window shopping.

The second day of the year we went to City Creek, not to spend the little bit of money we carried with us.  But simply to look around. 
→highlights of the day←
     ▶we got lost in downtown Salt Lake.
       Well I got us lost in salt lake..
       But as we explored we found all of the
       beauty in salt lake. We explored
       through the tiny run down shops,
       found the walls of graffiti filled with
       random colors and beautiful pictures.
So maybe we weren't actually lost. Maybe we were just taking a longer, exciting path. And maybe that's the way life was supposed to be.. ya know filled with unexpected adventures and random findings.
▶the next highlight was probably exploring City Creek.  We ran through all of the little shops, scoured the racks for random things we would never want, and then we left with empty hands. 

▶then we danced around Blue Lemon.  His mom and sister were running late for lunch (we were meeting up). And when we got tired of waiting Dave grabbed my hand and began to spin me around to the quiet jazz music playing in the background of the busy little cafe.  yes, we got some weird looks, but we mostly just saw smiles.

We stepped outside of the bounds society has set. And we didn't care- we kept dancing through the strange looks we received...and we began to break the hold we allow society to have on us.

→the day was amazing simply because we broke free from the hold society has on us←

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