October 15, 2013

broken walls.

I think that everyone loves someone.  But what love are we talking about? Because you can love your family, or you can love your friends--But there is only one type of true love.  I don't think that true love is found easily.  I think that most people find true love, lose it, and then are scared to ever find it again.  But that's not how it's supposed to be.

I think that there is going to be that one person that makes you fall for them, even when you're not looking to fall.  But you have to make the final decision to be in love again... It's not like you're going to wake up and then suddenly you're completely in love again--because that love only happens once, and you have already lost that.  You have already had that one person who you thought was going to be with you forever--That one person that broke you down piece by piece until you were nothing--That one person that stole pieces of your heart--That one person that made you scared to ever love again--That one person that you once called love.

But then you find that person.  That one person that is willing to climb over the walls you put up to protect your broken heart.  The walls you put up to insure that you wouldn't be hurt again.  But that one person find their way through the maze of your heart. That one person touches your heart--that one person teaches you to jump into the unknown.  That one person teaches you that fear is nonexistent.  That one person that pushes you to love again.  That one person that helps teach you to jump because falling isn't good enough anymore.  

This one person comes when you least expect it.  They come when you're not looking and suddenly they grab your attention. Slowly, they make you forget the pain and the heartache. They help you forget the one person that you once cared for.  They help you face your fear of love.  That person stays beside you and refuses to leave.

Eventually this person teaches you to not go easy.  They remind you to dance even when there is no music to dance to.  They play in the rain and bring you along, even if you want to hide from the storm.  They continually push down the walls you have put up.  Isn't that what true love is supposed to be about? Not just playing with someones heart.  Not falling in love again, and again like children do.  But choosing to once again love.  Choosing to finally jump into the unknown, because how can you know what happens without jumping?
True love isn't cautious--
It isn't something you can slowly go into--
It is something you have to choose--
You have to choose it in that one moment--
That moment when that person says those three words.
And when you make the choice to say them back.
The three words that show you're once again in love--
The simple phrase: I love you.
That is true love.

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